How does it work? exante diet plans explained
Welcome to the exante family! So you’ve got your exante delivery and wondering where to start? Let us explain… We specialise in a wide range of balanced shakes, meals, bars, soups and more to help you achieve your weight loss and management goals. Our diet plans include: Weight Loss (VLCD/Calorie Controlled) Weight Management (Calorie Controlled) […]

Rule 101 of Weight Loss: How does a Calorie Deficit work?
A Calorie Deficit. We’ve all heard these two words flying around in the world of weight loss and healthy living, but what do they actually mean? Today, we’re taking you back to basics to explain exactly that, and how being in a calorie deficit can result in weight loss. What are calories? Calories are simply a measurement of energy; […]

Falling in love with Keto Diets | Everything you need to know
Keto. Love it or not, we all know it’s a diet that can help with weight loss, but what really makes it our new go-to diet? We’ve launched a NEW range of keto shakes to complement our existing keto-friendly range. Tasty, full of flavour, and perfect for keto, our new shakes are our latest diet […]

Is it Possible to Manage T2 Diabetes with Low Calorie Soup and Shakes Diet?
Recently, studies have proved that 800 calorie shake and soup diets can have a profound weight loss effect. Here is an overview of our 800 calorie diet and the results of studies that looked at the effect of 800 calorie diet plans on obesity and type 2 diabetes.