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Here’s How to Tone Up without Leaving the House #WednesdayWorkout

Here’s How to Tone Up without Leaving the House #WednesdayWorkout
Sophie Angell
Writer and expert8 years ago
View Sophie Angell's profile

Gyms are usually awash with new members at this time of year, so it’s natural to be demotivated and stop going if the stress feels too much to bear. The unfortunate downside of giving up and giving in is that it impacts on your health journey. If you’re looking to lose weight, quitting exercise will almost definitely slow down the process, and that’s not something anyone wants.

If you hate waiting for equipment, don’t have time to go to the gym, don’t have a gym membership or simply prefer to spend more time at home, then try our favourite no-equipment home workouts which will get you toned in no time!

Home Workouts You Can Do To Tone Up

Exante #WednesdayWorkout abs

Say “Namaste” to home yoga

Yoga is probably one of the easiest workouts you can do at home. All you have to do is grab a yoga mat, pop on some relaxing music and you’re good to go! Start out with easy poses such as chair pose, plank pose and forward bends before you get stuck into the super flexible stuff! Try home yoga first thing in the morning before you’ve brewed your coffee for a relaxing, easy-going way to wake up gradually.

Get used to lunges

Lunges are great for working out abs and legs and there are loads of positions you can do to tackle different key areas. Try spider lunges to get impressive abs, side lunges to work out the outer and inner thigh, jumping lunges to get your quads in ship shape and reverse lunges to work the back of your quads!

Just keep squatting

Everyone knows that the quickest way to a good butt is through squats, but that doesn’t mean you can only get a good rear with a squat rack. Free squats like squat jumps and standard squats which simply use your body weight are brilliant for getting strong glutes. Add free weights if you have them at home for heavier, deeper squats.

Get the energy you need

To power through your workouts, you'll need our recommended bars that contain all nutrients and energy you need for working out. All our bars and shakes are suitable for the exercises above, but here are a few we love...

Need some perspiration inspiration? Try our 4-week exercise plan

Exante Kick Start

Haven’t you heard of our 28 Day Kick Start Challenge yet? It’s easy to get started on our best ever weight loss plan where we support you every step of the way!

If you’re looking to maintain a healthy diet but don’t have time in the day to prep every meal, this is the perfect solution for you. Our nutritionists have developed a simple 1200 calorie diet designed to kick-start your weight loss journey and change the way you think about food for good.

When you sign up you’ll receive a FREE 60 page eBook, containing:

  • Fresh and healthy recipes developed by our expert nutritionists with our handy step-by-step guide

  • Easy to follow workouts

  • Shopping lists

  • 28 days of healthy hints and tips

Check out more home yoga poses here.

Check out more lunge poses you can do at home here.

Love our #WednesdayWorkouts? Let us know on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

Sophie Angell
Writer and expert
View Sophie Angell's profile
Lover of running and baking. Not necessarily in that order.