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How to Stay Motivated: Five Ways to Maintain Your Weight During the Festive Season

How to Stay Motivated: Five Ways to Maintain Your Weight During the Festive Season
Amy Jackson
Writer and expert5 years ago
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If you’ve been losing weight on exante and want to keep up the good work, you may be worried about staying motivated this Christmas. With lots of temptation everywhere you go, this time of year can be tricky when you’re trying to stick to a diet or fitness routine. But fear not, we’ve put together five top tips to help you stay on track. Read on to find out more! 

1: Party Portion Control

Is the buffet your weakness at a Christmas party? Grab a smaller plate that you can’t pile up, and once it’s empty, don’t go back for seconds! If you really want to resist temptation, don’t grab one full stop! Ensure you eat beforehand, so you avoid spontaneous snacking. Better still, exante has a delicious range of shakes, bars and pot meals for you to enjoy before heading out. 

2: Set yourself weekly goals

Having a plan with weekly goals may help you to steadily lose weight and stay on track with your weight loss journey.

Our Facebook Closed Group can be a great way to get involved and stay inspired. Join our Closed Group to share stories, transformations and tips here.

3: Tweak Your Fitness Regime

It’s easy to fall off the exercise wagon as well as the diet one over Christmas, so look at adapting your routine to fit in with your plans. If you head to the gym after work, switch things up and go first thing. Not only will it get you feeling great for the rest of the day, but it gets it out of the way. If you’re away from your usual gym, download a fitness app or queue up a few workouts on YouTube instead. 

4: Get Active Together

Christmas brings a lot of emphasis on family time, so use it as an excuse to get moving! Plan  long afternoon walks with your family and this will not only burn a few calories but will also let you spend a little quality time together.

5: Manage Your Stress

Christmas is a stressful time of year, but keeping that stress bottled up is never a good idea, especially if you’re prone to comfort eating! Instead of digging into a box of chocs, look at alternative ways to reduce your stress. Practice mindfulness, read a book, or do some gentle exercise instead. Your body will thank you for it! 

Staying motivated over Christmas can be tricky, but hopefully our tips will make things easier for you. Don’t forget, at exante, we have a delicious selection of meal replacement shakes, bars, meals and breakfasts that will help you along your way this Christmas. Good luck! 

Amy Jackson
Writer and expert
View Amy Jackson's profile
Amy graduated from The University of Northampton in 2013 with a degree in Psychology. She currently writes for a number of websites and has a special interest in creating posts around well-being and self-care. She's a big fan of Pilates and has recently started taking up yoga. She loves animals (especially her cat, Tilly!), scrapbooking, and curling up with a good book or a boxset.