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Meal Replacements: Facts vs Myths

Meal Replacements: Facts vs Myths
Amy Jackson
Writer and expert5 years ago
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Meal Replacements: Facts vs Myths

In a world of different diets and healthy eating plans, meal replacements have been one of the main points of discussion. With many myths surrounding them, it can be hard to decide whether they’re the best option for you. So how do you separate facts from fiction? We’ve debunked a few of those myths around meal replacements so you can see for yourself!

"It’s All Just Shakes"

Many people still have that classic vision of meal replacements being in the form of a basic flavoured shake that leaves a chalky aftertaste. Exante meal replacements definitely prove this idea wrong! We have a huge range of soups, meals, snacks, and indulgent desserts, along with a wide selection of delicious shakes too, so your diet will be anything but boring.

"They’re Complicated"

Calculating calories is enough of a headache to put anyone off certain diets. However, calorie control is the key to a successful one. Thankfully, meal replacements are designed with this in mind. Take our exante 800 plan, a total meal replacement VLCD plan that’s fully calorie and portion controlled, helping you easily reach your goal.

"I’ll Always Be Hungry"

Just because you’re reducing your calorie intake, it doesn’t mean you have to starve! Meal replacements are designed to be high in protein and fibre, so despite smaller portions and fewer calories, they’ll still fill you up. Drink plenty of water too and not only will you stay hydrated, but it will also help you feel fuller for longer. 

"The Results Are Short Term"

Just because meal replacements are quick, it doesn’t mean that your weight loss has to be short lived. In a systematic review examining meal replacements, it was found that people following them weighed less than their starting weight up to four years later! So with that in mind, it’s possible to follow a meal replacement diet knowing that your weight loss is for the long haul.

"They’re Not Safe"

Used correctly, meal replacements are safe to use and will help you on your way to reaching your goals. Having been used in the UK for over 30 years, there’s been plenty of medical research into their effectiveness, and they’ve even been shown to have various health benefits. They work simply by reducing your calorie intake, meaning that your body transforms its fat stores into energy, and this is what causes you to lose weight quickly and safely.

"They’re Not Healthy"

Reducing the amount of calories you consume doesn’t mean you lose out on essential nutrients. We have a team of expert nutritionists behind our exante meal replacements, and each one is formulated with 27 essential vitamins and minerals, containing 30% of your NRV per meal. So it’s still possible to enjoy a balanced diet!

"They Don’t Work"

Meal replacements have actually been shown to be effective when it comes to weight loss, as this study demonstrates. However, if you need more proof, check out our success stories by hundreds of our happy customers!

If you’ve been debating whether or not a meal replacement plan is for you, we hope we’ve managed to ease your concerns. At exante, we’re passionate about helping you achieve your weight loss goals with our range of delicious meal replacements, snacks and shakes. So what are you waiting for? Start your weight loss journey today!

Written by Amy Jackson - Content Writer for Discount Promo Codes - 20th January 2020

Amy Jackson
Writer and expert
View Amy Jackson's profile
Amy graduated from The University of Northampton in 2013 with a degree in Psychology. She currently writes for a number of websites and has a special interest in creating posts around well-being and self-care. She's a big fan of Pilates and has recently started taking up yoga. She loves animals (especially her cat, Tilly!), scrapbooking, and curling up with a good book or a boxset.