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40 inch waist to a 34 inch waist: Meet Josh

40 inch waist to a 34 inch waist: Meet Josh
Aimee Heeran
Writer and expert4 years ago
View Aimee Heeran's profile

 Meet Josh from Clowne who decided to lose weight during lockdown, and he did! His waist measurements went from 40 inches to 34 inches and he took control of his health. 

Start weight: 17 stone 10lbs 

Current weight: 13 stone 9lbs 

Losing over 4 stone is an incredible achievement and he achieved this with the help of the exante diet plans which encourage following a very low-calorie diet in order to lose weight. 

Josh lost over 4 stone

What diet plan were you following?

I had 3 meal replacement products a day and then a 200-400 calorie meal at night.” 

How did you find losing weight over lockdown?

I've tried exante a few times in the past but life usually gets in the way, meals out with family etc. sI saw the lock down as an opportunity to stick to the diet and lose some weight. 

What are your favourite products?

“I love the salted caramel bars and the porridge pots.” 

What advice would you give to others considering starting the exante diet?

“If you have a cheat meal, only have 1 cheat meal, don't let it turn into a cheat day or week. Also try and get your partner to do the diet with you, this really helped me!” 

How much weight did your partner lose?

"Lucy lost just under 3 stone. We helped keep each other on track and exercised together. We usually had a wrap and chicken salad. Sometimes we will have a steak or a cooked breakfast. Depending on how hungry we are."

What is your most memorable non-scale victory?

"Not being able to fit in any of my clothes was a real bonus. When we started seeing people again after lockdown people couldn't believe how much weight we had lost!"

Feeing inspired by Josh? Check out Anna’s Lockdown Weightloss Story aswell! Anna lost 53lbs during lockdown and feels better than ever. Whatever the situation, you can feel confident that an exante diet plan CAN help you lose weight as it has with thousands of across.

The most popular diet plan is the exante 800 diet plan of 800 calories a day, made from 3 meal replacements and an additional 200 calories of food. Another popular diet plan is the exante 1200 plan which allows for slightly more calories of 1200 calories a day, 400 of which from 2 meal replacements a day, and the remaining 800 from a high-protein meal and snack. Find out more about our popular diet plans here. 

Aimee Heeran
Writer and expert
View Aimee Heeran's profile
Aimee graduated from the University of Bristol in 2019. It was during her time at University that her love of fitness and nutrition truly began. She’s always loved an active lifestyle from a small child. Aimee frequently enjoys going to the gym, regular hot yoga classes and going for long country walks. She loves trying new activities and in the last 12 months has tried jet skiing, horse riding, and her first 10K race.