September is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) awareness month, a condition affecting the way 1 in 10 women’s ovaries work (1).
Characteristics of PCOS include irregular periods, excess androgen (‘male’ hormones’) and enlarged ovaries (2). A symptom of PCOS that many women struggle with is weight gain, and an increased risk of developing health problems later in life such as type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol (2). If you’re overweight or obese, it is believed a healthy, balanced diet can improve some of the symptoms associated with PCOS (2).
We spoke to three women suffering from PCOS who are using exante to help manage their condition.
Kerri from Nottinghamshire
38-year-old Kerri March from Nottinghamshire started her exante journey just 5 weeks ago. Already, her weight has dropped from 16 st 8 lbs to 15 st, and she has seen massive changes in her PCOS symptoms.
How did PCOS affect Kerri?
Kerri has suffered with PCOS since she was 14, battling symptoms including infertility, stomach pain and bloating. She also explained how PCOS made her crave carbohydrates due to the increased testosterone that is typical of the condition. She decided she needed to change her eating habits in order to boost her confidence, and begun the exante 800 plan.
How has exante helped?
“Since staring exante, my bloating has settled and is much more comfortable. I have lost weight and my confidence has increased. The shakes are balanced and satisfy my hunger so I feel less cravings. I’ve even been able to stop taking my PCOS medication”.
What are her favourite products?
“I love everything I’ve tried so far. The Strawberry and Caramel Latte Frappe shakes help me start my day off feeling good!”
Gem from Devon
Gem Malone is 35 and lives in Devon. Since the beginning of January, she has lost 7.5 stone using exante and has had a drastic reduction in her PCOS symptoms. She featured in our exan-tea series on Instagram and shared how exante has changed her life.

How was Gem impacted by PCOS?
After being diagnosed with PCOS when she was 18, Gem’s weight increased from 10 stone to 21.5 stone. She tried various diets but struggled to stick to them, despite being advised by her doctor that exercise and weight loss could help her condition.
“My hands and feet swelled up constantly. I couldn’t wear my wedding rings and had to buy extra wide shoes”.
Why did she decide to start exante?
After seeing pictures of herself posted on Facebook by a family friend last Christmas, Gem decided it was time to change. She was struggling with her mental health, and decided on 2nd January 2020 to start her exante journey.
“This year has been my year. I hadn’t been taking care of myself and that is something with PCOS that you have to do”.
How has her PCOS changed after the weight loss?
“I’ve reduced my PCOS symptoms quite dramatically. I’ve gone from a size 24 to a 14/16. My hands have stopped swelling up all the time. For around six months I was able to wear my wedding rings again, but I can’t anymore because they’re too big! I need new ones!”
“I can buy shoes from a supermarket or normal shop, without needing extra wide- I haven’t been able to do that for years! The extra facial hair has reduced and my periods are regular and not painful”.
“I can’t count the ways this diet has changed my life. If anyone has PCOS and is wondering whether this diet can help them, just give it a go. What have you got to lose? (Except the weight!)”
What are her go-to products?
Gem loves the Salted Caramel bars, Strawberry and Lime BURSTS and the Salted Caramel Shake!
Listen to Gem chat about her own personal journey and story in the video below.
Sarah from Peterborough
Sarah Cullen is 46 and lives in Peterborough. She also featured in our exan-TEA series where she shared her journey of PCOS and exante. The exante 800 plan has helped her lose 3 stone 11 pounds and experience a huge change in her PCOS symptoms.

How did PCOS impact Sarah?
After being diagnosed in her early twenties, Sarah experienced a range of typical PCOS symptoms which in her words “affected everything”. She had excessive hair growth, rapid weight gain and fertility problems, requiring IVF to conceive her daughter Maria.
Why did she start exante?
The medication Sarah took whilst having IVF caused her to gain weight and left her feeling constantly bloated.
“I ended up 17 and a half stone and miserable. It was unhealthy. I was struggling to climb the stairs and was seriously obese”.
After trying various other diets, she found it very difficult to lose weight and felt she wasn’t setting a good example in her public-facing job. “I felt like I’d tried everything”.
After searching the internet for a solution, she found exante and hasn’t looked back.
“The shakes are delicious and the bars are great- the Salted Caramel bar was a total revelation for me! If you haven’t tried it, you really need to”.
How has her life changed since starting exante?
“My husband was initially very negative about it, but once I showed him the website, he became very positive and even joined me on the journey”.
“I’ve gone down from a size 22 to a 16. Some days I still feel fat and other days I’m really proud of myself and feel amazing!”
“Some of the symptoms of PCOS have decreased. The hair growth has definitely decreased and I feel generally much, much better. Healthier, more active- it's been a whole lifestyle change”.
“I’m very proud of the progress I’ve made with the support of my family and friends. I know the journey is not over yet but I’m really enjoying it!”
“It’s changed everything for me. It’s given me my life and my self-esteem back”.
Listen to Sarah chat about her own personal journey and story in the video below.
What are Sarah’s favourite exante products?
“My favourites are Salted Caramel bars and Chocolate Peanut Butter shakes - yummy!”
If you suffer from PCOS, why not try one of the exante diet plans to help manage your symptoms? To get started, try our 2 or 4 Week Box Plan for a simple and convenient dieting solution! Visit our Instagram page to watch the full exan-TEA videos and learn more about Gem and Sarah’s exante journey.
(1) http://www.pcos-uk.org.uk/#:~:text=PCOS%20affects%201%20in%2010%20women%20in%20the,a%20woman%E2%80%99s%20self%20esteem%20and%20quality%20of%20life.
(2) https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pcos/