Diet fizzy drinks can be a low sugar saving grave when you're dieting, but drinking them in excess can actually sabotage your weight loss efforts.

So, why are diet fizzy drinks detrimental to your progress?
Diet drinks all contain different ingredients which is why exante doesn't recommend most fizzy drinks, even if they're diet- sorry to all you Coke Zero lovers out there. The main reason we don't allow most of these diet fizzy drinks is because they contain citric acid. The citric acid in your Coke Zero can affect ketosis by impacting the metabolism within the liver, primarily during the Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle). But some people have reported that, while they have seen citric acid consumption prevent them entering ketosis and increase appetite, they have not seen it impact ketosis once it has been established.
Want to find out more? Take a look at our blog below where we breakdown the science:
Fancying trying Keto? Check out our Keto page where we check out all things low carb and low sugar including our world's first clear whey meal replacement shake, JUICED.
We spoke with our Nutritional Expert, Ashley English, to find out more about drinks that won't affect ketosis
Q. We know that exante allows Dr Pepper Zero as part of the plan but, if Dr Pepper Zero won’t affect the state of ketosis, why do we have to limit our consumption of it?
A. Dr Pepper Zero will not kick you out of ketosis, but form a nutritional and health stand point, we wouldn’t recommend drinking more than a can (330ml) of artificial sweetener per day.
Q. So, it's the artificial sweeter in the Dr Pepper Zero that stops us losing weight?
A. Not directly no. It won’t stop your weight loss, but it will make you crave more sweet and sugary foods and can be quite addictive. Therefore, the more artificial sweetener you drink, the more likely you are to give in to those increased cravings.
Q. Are there any other health reasons why we should drink Dr Pepper Zero in moderation?
A. As we all know now, everything should be consumed in moderation. We would never recommend eating or drinking anything in excess! However, yes there are other health concerns with drinking too many diet drinks. Research has shown an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes in people who regularly drank a lot of diet drinks. Metabolic syndrome describes a group of conditions such as elevated glucose levels, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol).
Q. What would you personally recommend to people who enjoy drinking Dr Pepper Zero?
A. As you know, 330ml a day is allowed on the exante plans, so I would say if it something you really enjoy, then allow yourself that amount each day. When you deprive yourself of something you generally crave it more. However, it contains zero nutritional value. Where this might sound good to some people in that is has zero calories, it actually doesn’t do your body any good whatsoever! My advice would be a large glass of water with one of our Water Enhancers when you are craving something sweeter to drink.
So what have we learned?
Diet drinks containing citric acid are off limits on your exante plan
Dr Pepper Zero can be enjoyed in moderation – 330ml per day to be exact
Drinking too much Dr Pepper Zero (or any sugar free soft drinks) is not recommended when trying to reach your weight loss goals
Diet fizzy drinks could cause health problems if consumed in excess
What can I enjoy instead?
Not a fan of Dr Pepper Zero? Why not try out one of our tasty BURST drinks, instead. BURST is a low sugar, low calorie drink crafted to give you a refreshing boost on a busy day. Our handy on-the-go sachets are ideal for slotting into your bag or pocket and can be enjoyed by mixing with 500ml of ice cold water. Packed with 3 in 1 multivitamins, our tasty BURST energy drinks are made with 83mg of caffeine, perfect for that midday burst of energy.
Not a fan of caffeine? Try our NEW plant-based caffeine-free range of BURST in tasty mocktail flavours, perfect for any time of day.
Here at Exante HQ we know the importance of feeling satisfied while on your plan and ensure we provide you with delicious products to curb your cravings and stop you going hungry. If you want a little more support on your diet, join our closed Facebook Group to meet other people on exante, share you story and track your transformation.
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