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How Nicole lost 9 Stone and changed her life for good

How Nicole lost 9 Stone and changed her life for good
Katie Jerome
Writer and expert4 years ago
View Katie Jerome's profile

As the year draws to a close, we want to highlight some of inspirational success stories - starting with Nicole. Nicole has lost 9 stone and is now maintaining her weight loss by slowly reintroducing exercise and meals into her lifestyle.

We caught up with Nicole as she shares her incredible 9 stone weight loss story... 

Nicole managed to lose an amazing 126 pounds. Read on to learn her advice on how she did it!


Nicole 9 stone lighter after following the exante 800 plan

Why did you decide to start exante?

“There was never a lightbulb moment for me as to why I wanted to lose weight, It was more of a build up of daily struggles to live my life. I suffered from aches and pains and my joints were so sore. I used to look forward to bedtime so I could sleep the pain away. 

I chose exante because it had worked for me in the past, however due to my own short fallings, I slipped back to old habits and gained the weight I’d lost. This time around I was determined to have a better game plan - to keep the weight off and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

exante was an easy choice - it’s affordable, tasty and with tried & tested results.”

It has been the single most rewarding thing I have ever done for myself - I wouldn't change a thing.

How has your exante journey been for you?

“exante has been an absolutely life changing experience. It has helped me regain my health, my confidence and my mobility. Of course, there have been some dark days - weight loss isn’t always plain sailing, but those days are nothing in the grand scheme of things. It has been the single most rewarding thing I have ever done for myself - I wouldn't change a thing.”

How have you maintained your new weight?

It’s was a slow and exciting process of introducing balanced healthy foods. I began by downloading a calorie-counting app on my phone to help me keep track. For breakfasts, I continued with my exante porridge whilst adding extras like banana and seeds. I slowly increased my intake by introducing 100 calorie salads alongside my exante lunch. My salads consisted of mainly greens, peppers, cucumbers - always measuring and recording what I was eating.

Every 2-3 weeks I would increase my calorie allowance gradually as well as my exercise. Now, I allow myself 1900 calories which helps me maintain my weight at a steady pace. 

Nicole after reintroducing exercise into her lifestyle to help her maintain

What top tips do you have for anyone starting their weight loss journey?

  • Join the exante Facebook group community for extra support

  • Record your journey, take photos, measurements, log how you feel

  • Reward yourself for non scale victory wins

  • Take time to rediscover you, rebuild the best version of yourself

  • Have discipline - be strong!

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Try stock cubes mixed with water if you’re hungry- it’s like having a cup of soup

  • Be kind and patient to yourself

Shop Nicole’s Favourites

If you have an inspiring weight loss journey to share, or have been inspired by Nicole’s fantastic results, please do get in touch via our Facebook - we’d love to hear from you!

Katie Jerome
Writer and expert
View Katie Jerome's profile
Katie graduated from the University of Manchester in 2018 with a BSc in Marketing. Since leaving university, Katie enjoys discovering new recipes and making healthy food at home. As a follower of the exante 5:2 plan, Katie, who works in the Social & Content team knows first-hand the importance of a balanced lifestyle to reach an end goal.