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Irene’s Story: 52 & Feeling Fabulous

Irene’s Story: 52 & Feeling Fabulous
Megan Edwards
Writer and expert4 years ago
View Megan Edwards's profile

Meet Irene, 52, who started the exante 5:2 plan in 2019, with the aim of boosting her confidence following a difficult time in her life.

Despite being peri-menopausal and finding it very challenging to lose weight, Irene has gone from a dress size 16/18 to a 10/12! She started her journey weighing 12st 8lbs, and reached her target weight in February 2020. She has lost over 2st with exante and continues to enjoy the Maintenance Plan.

To find out more about her journey and the changes she has noticed since her incredible weight loss, keep reading!

Irene has lost 2 stone using exante despite being peri-menopausal

Why did you start exante?

"In February 2017, my husband left me out of the blue after 12 years of marriage. A year later, my mum died. I began eating my feelings away and got bigger and bigger. The weight started impacting on my health- my back and knees were in constant pain and I had developed chronic heartburn."

"I also saw a picture of myself after meeting up with some old friends and I was shocked at my size! An exante ad kept popping up on my Instagram feed so I looked into it. I researched it for about 2 weeks and on the 29 July 2019, I started the 5:2 plan and haven’t looked back!"

"I began eating my feelings"

What changes have you noticed since starting exante? 

"I’ve noticed that my eating habits have changed a lot. I’ve realised that as you get older your body doesn’t need as many calories as you think for energy. I also notice that I can listen to my body better now and I know when I’m full instead of eating to excess."

 "I know when I'm full instead of eating to excess"

What are your favourite products? 

"I love the Salted Caramel, Chocolate Fudge and Carrot Cake bars! I love most of the shakes, especially the Cherries and Berries and the Mocha Frappe flavours!"

The Lemon and the Maple Syrup Pancakes are amazing and for the main

meals, you can’t beat the Fajita Kit

 and the Indian Style Curry. There is so much choice so I loved choosing a different meal!


What support did you have during your exante journey?

"I found the Official Facebook Group a great source of ideas and inspiration! If I need to check on something the website is my

go to. I also have a few ladies who I consider my exante besties in the Facebook Group!"

Would you recommend the exante diet? 

"Oh absolutely! I was worried that being in my 50s and peri menopausal that my body would struggle to lose weight. The weight came off slowly but it did come off! I’ve recommended it to my twin sister and an old school friend who are now on it."

What are your top 5 tips?

  1. "Don’t compare yourself to others! This is your journey!"

  2. "Try everything at least once. Your taste buds take a while to adjust"

  3. "Drink water!"

  4. "Don’t weigh yourself every day" 

  5. "If something isn’t working, don’t give up. Ask for help on the group page!" 

To find out more about Irene's journey, follow her on Instagram @rini_exante_journey! To start your own exante journey today, find out more about our diet plans here and order your 2 Week or 4 Week Boxed Diet Plan to get started!

Megan Edwards
Writer and expert
View Megan Edwards's profile
Megan is a Marketing student at the University of Liverpool. She enjoys travelling, skiing and long walks with her two golden retrievers, Henry and Chester. As a former lifeguard and swimming teacher, Megan loves being in and on the water and has recently started learning to sail and wakeboard. When on dry land, she keeps fit by working out at the gym and is a regular at salsa and yoga classes.