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Need Help Losing weight? Raspberry Slender Sip joins the range!

Need Help Losing weight? Raspberry Slender Sip joins the range!
Katie Jerome
Writer and expert4 years ago
View Katie Jerome's profile

Need help losing weight? Introducing NEW Raspberry Lemonade Slender Sip... 

Try our NEW Raspberry Lemonade flavoured Slender Sip which contains real Raspberry & Lemon juice, along with 1g of Glucomannan. Slender Sip is scientifically proven to help you lose weight* (* Glucomannan in the context of an energy restricted diet contributes to weight loss).  By adding Slender Sip into your energy-restricted dietthe water-soluble dietary fibre absorbs water and gently expands in your stomach, reducing the amount of space in your tummy for food. Tempted? Read on to learn more... 

Raspberry Lemonade slender sip

Shop both flavours here:

Why use Slender Sip? 

You'll love Slender Sip because not only is it flavoured with real fruit juices; it contains 1g of Glucomannan which has been approved by the EU Commission to contribute to weight loss* (in the context of an energy restricted diet).  Slender Sip has only 12 calories per portion, and totally fat-free! The new flavour can be enjoyed by Vegans and non-Vegans alike – perfect if you’re following a low sugar, low fat or vegan diet.  

What are the key benefits of Slender Sip? 

There are many amazing benefits to both yummy flavours...Here are the main points: 

  • 1g of Glucomannan – scientifically proven to help you lose weight* 

  • Low in Sugar 

  • Contains Real Fruit Juice; Raspberry, Lemonade & Cherry

  • Fat Free 

  • Each drink is only 12 Calories 

  • Vegan friendly 

slender sip benefits

How do I use Slender Sip? 

Slender Sip is very different from our other drink products. For best results, we recommend using one sachet of Slender Sip around 30 minutes before a meal replacement (or low-calorie meal), three times a day. Don’t worry, we’ve already done the maths for you – In your box, you will find 21 sachets which will last you exactly one week. 

Once you’ve added 200ml of cold water to your Slender Sip, we advise it to sit for one minute before drinking it all fairly quickly – Glucomannan’s weight loss properties means that it turns to a gel-like substance in your tummy. If left too long, it will thicken in the glass, which is why we recommend to drink quickly. Once consumed, follow with a second glass of water. 

How can I use Slender Sip on my exante plan? 

Slender Sip is brilliant for those on Very Low Calorie Diets – we suggest you incorporate this into your exante 800or 1200 plan, 3 times a day before you eat a mealIf you previously loved our Cherry Slender Sip flavour, you’re going to love the new Raspberry Lemonade flavour 

If you’re looking to improve your weight loss, our new Raspberry Lemonade Slender Sip could be just the thing! We’d love to hear your thoughts, get in touch via our Instagram or Facebook page. 



*Glucomannan in the context of an energy restricted diet contributes to weight loss. The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 3 g of glucomannan in three doses of 1 g each, together with 1-2 glasses of water, before meals and in the context of an energy-restricted diet. 

Katie Jerome
Writer and expert
View Katie Jerome's profile
Katie graduated from the University of Manchester in 2018 with a BSc in Marketing. Since leaving university, Katie enjoys discovering new recipes and making healthy food at home. As a follower of the exante 5:2 plan, Katie, who works in the Social & Content team knows first-hand the importance of a balanced lifestyle to reach an end goal.