Amongst the many perks of losing weight, like the obvious health benefits, you may have noticed the need for a new wardrobe! As your body shape changes, this can be an exciting time for discovering your new style and clothing size. Take a look at some of the inspiring exante community with a lot of excess fabric to show...

Finding your new wardrobe is an exciting venture...but, what do you do with your old clothes?
To celebrate
Second Hand Wardrobe Week
which takes place between the 8th and 14th February 2021, we’re offering our tips and advice on how to repurpose your old clothing, without the need for landfill.Did you know that 350,000 tonnes (around £140 million worth) of used, but still wearable clothing goes to landfill in the UK every year [1]? This doesn’t have to be the case! Though your old clothes may no longer be of use to you, there are many options to prevent more clothes going to waste. Read on for some ideas...
Earn some pocket money

With rising concern about the environmental and ethical cost of fashion production, second-hand retail is on the up. In the UK, there are over 3,000 shops and online services specialising in selling second-hand goods [3]. We’ve teamed up with our friends at Preloved to help you clear out those cupboards and earn a few £££s by selling your unwanted pieces!
The online second-hand marketplace, Preloved is a great way to sell your unworn clothes quickly and easily. Preloved strongly believes in the power of second chances and new beginnings. And what’s more, there are no listing or selling fees!
Preloved are on their mission to reduce landfill, and since recycling is so important, what have you got to lose? If you want to turn that clutter into cash, placing an advert is easy - just click here!
Stay tuned on our socials to find out how you can
WIN a Preloved Premium Membership
- their ultimate membership option which gets you:✔ Priority placement in listings
✔ Unlimited photos and listings
✔ Browse site without banner ads
✔ Respond to listings as soon as they appear
✔ Access to the Preloved community

We all love to help the planet, don’t we? With 41% of British households unaware of clothing recycling facilities [2], we think it’s time to spread the word! Probably the simplest solution for your unusable old clothes (think broken zips, rips and holes), clothing recycling facilities can be found up and down the UK. To find your nearest clothing recycling location, click here. Luckily, with tips and recycling centres remaining open during lockdown, this is a great way to ensure your textiles are recycled to unlock their fabric potential!

Lose weight and donate
Of course, it may be a little more difficult this year to donate using the traditional charity shop methods, however many charities have found alternative ways for you to donate unwanted clothing.
The British Heart Foundation have set up a freepost service for donors to post their unwanted items, clothing included. Simply request a freepost label via the link, package your clothes (or other items) - and drop off at your local point (during an essential journey).
Sending unused clothes to charity is a great way to help do your bit for charities - despite shops unable to open. Plus, there are a plethora of other great charities that need your help too - click here to discover more clothing postage services.
If you’re feeling creative and a dab-hand with a sewing machine, why not upcycle your old clothes by breathing new life into them? The creative opportunities are endless - here are a few ideas to help you get started.
– got a clothing item you’re not ready to say goodbye to? It might only need a few nips and tucks to alter it. Try adding darts, changing the hem or shortening the straps to give your garment the TLC it needs! For a full guide on DIY alterations,click here.
Get creative!
- You may want to get creative with your clothes by making new items from the old fabric. Start simple, like making facemasks for your friends and family - seehere
for a mask template and step-by-step. Once you’ve mastered your technique, anything’s possible!Keep it clean
– Old clothing that you no longer wear any more could be transformed into cleaning equipment! Never go without dust rags again – simply cut squares from old clothing, hem around the edge and voila – ready to clean!
Do you have a pile of clothes you no longer wear? We’d love celebrate your weight loss achievements whilst also helping repurpose your unworn items. Get in touch via our Facebook or Instagram where we will be sharing success stories and more! Additionally, join our Facebook Closed Group for more support and encouragement from the exante community.