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Type 2 Diabetes – The Facts and Figures

Type 2 Diabetes – The Facts and Figures
Sophie Langley
Writer and expert4 years ago
View Sophie Langley's profile

Type 2 diabetes is a life-limiting illness provoked by excess body weight, lack of exercise, and poor eating habits. The condition is defined by a fasting blood glucose of 7 mmol/L or more meaning there is too much sugar in the bloodstream (1). Living with diabetes is straining on the individual, their family, and health care providers - but something can be done. Countless diabetics have transformed their lives by following very low-calorie diets, losing weight, and as a result, reversed their type 2 diabetes*!

Risk Factors

90% of people with diabetes have type 2 meaning their body uses insulin inadequately. You are more at risk of developing this type of diabetes if you:

  • are overweight

  • carry extra weight around your stomach

  • have high blood pressure

  • have immediate family members with type 2 diabetes e.g. a parent or sibling

  • are white and over 40 years old or African-Caribbean, Black African, or South Asian and over 25 years old.

You can calculate your risk on the Diabetes UK website (2).


People with diabetes often suffer from discomforting symptoms, however, 6 in 10 people have no symptoms at diagnosis! (3) It is really important to look out for the signs and symptoms of diabetes and not ignore them - especially if you have a higher risk of developing the disease.

Typical signs & symptoms include:

  • thirst

  • tiredness

  • frequent toilet use

  • genital itching

  • injuries not healing quickly

  • blurred vision

  • unusual weight loss (4)

Type 2 Diabetes


You can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by living a healthy lifestyle, in particular,

  • maintaining a healthy body weight

  • regularly exercising e.g. half an hour of moderate-intensity every day

  • eating healthily

  • stopping smoking (1)

Need to obtain a healthy body weight and improve your eating habits? Substituting two daily meals of an energy restricted diet with meal replacements contributes to weight loss. If you are classified as obese or overweight, our exante diet plans could help you get down to a healthy weight safely and effectively. Not only can you obtain a healthy weight using exante meal plans, you'll also be eating healthily due to our products containing all the necessary nutrients!

Control your diabetes with the help of exante

If you are type 2 diabetic, it is possible to bring your diabetes into remission by eating healthier and losing weight. The exante Type 2 Diabetes VLCD (very low-calorie diet) plan recommends lowering your daily intake to 800kcal for 12 weeks or until you reach a healthy BMI (phase 1) then stabilising your weight with a 1200kcal diet (phase 2)*.

Phase 1

Exante 800 is a diet plan designed to help you lose weight fast and effectively by eating 3 Exante meal replacements and 200kcal high protein snacks per day.

Phase 2

Exante 1200 is a flexible diet plan providing 1,200kcal a day, designed to help you maintain a healthy weight loss.

Intermittent Fasting 

If you fancy a combination of fasting and healthy eating for a gradual weight loss, the exante 5:2 diet plan can help you achieve this by reducing your calorie intake on only 2 days of the week.

Kick start your transformation

Take inspiration from our customer success stories and start your exante transformation now with the 4 week bundle!

* Recent research published by the Professors of Medicine and Metabolism at Newcastle University have linked a reverse in type 2 diabetes with very low-calorie diets. We do not claim that our products can guarantee the reversal of type 2 diabetes as no studies have been conducted that directly link our brand to successful trials. Please note that we advise you to seek medical advice from a GP before starting any diet, especially if you are already on medication.

Sophie Langley
Writer and expert
View Sophie Langley's profile
Sophie or Soph as we call her, is Exante's New Product Development (NPD) Technologist meaning she designs the delicious new products you see launch on-site! Soph's love for food started at school where she enjoyed food technology lessons, but it didn't end there, as she decided to study food science in further education too. She graduated from the University of Reading with BSc Hons Nutrition and Food Science (with Professional Training) which is a degree accredited by the Association for Nutrition. Soph enjoys playing with ingredients in the kitchen and creating new recipes, especially healthier versions of traditional recipes. She is particularly excited to make vegan food more tasty and accessible, and is bringing this to the weight loss world through Exante! Soph is an animal lover, gym goer, volunteer first aider and is a huge fan of the colour orange - fun fact!