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Top 7 Tips: How to stay on track when working from home

Top 7 Tips: How to stay on track when working from home
Aimee Heeran
Writer and expert5 years ago
View Aimee Heeran's profile

Flexible working from home has become more and more popular in the last few years. Working from home can be convenient as there is no commute, no office attire, and no office distractions! However, working from home does mean you are closer to your kitchen cupboards, and the temptation to snack or binge eat can be very strong.

The exante diet plan is a simple and convenient diet plan that is perfect for those people who do regularly work from home! Why?

  • It's a simple and convenient diet plan

  • It's delivered directly to your door

  • It's affordable

  • All our meal replacements contain 27 vitamins and minerals

Here are some top tips of how to stay on your diet plan whilst working from home:

Start the day off right

Often how you start your day, can dictate the tone and mood for the rest of the day. Start your day with a coffee and an exante porridge pot perhaps? Not only are our meal replacements filling but they will then curb your appetite for any mid-morning snacks, not to mention - all exante products are delicious!

Did you know that all exante meal replacements contain 27 Vitamins and Minerals, like Vitamin D and Iron? Our exante meal replacements contain 27 vitamins and minerals so that each product provides you with 1/3 of your daily  NVR (Nutrient Reference Value).

Set times for moving around or going for walks

Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you must be chained to your desk for 8-9 hours a day! Set times for moving around, or going for a quick walk and fresh air around the block to get your heart pumping and your mind reactivated. More often than not, if you are sat at your desk for hours and hours, you can start to feel tired as your heart rate slows down to the calm and quiet environment around you. As your body and mind slows, you may feel fatigued, and we all know that reaching for a bar of chocolate is one quick fix for energy and endorphins. However, another way to increase the levels of endorphins in your brain is a quick pleasant walk.

Avoid buying high calorie snacks at the supermarket

If you know you are working from home for the next week, avoid buying those convenient however very calorific snacks to keep in your cupboard. Knowing they are there, and easy to get in your kitchen cupboard is a recipe for an over-indulging disaster. Here are some low calorie snack suggestions:

  • Carrot sticks (156g) and reduced fat humus (50g) is typically 164 calories

  • Gouda cheese (30g) and a small average apple (75g) is typically 145 calories.

  • Honeydew Melon (160g) and Wafer Thin Ham (40g) is typically 84 calories.

  • 0% Fat Greek Yoghurt (150g) and blueberries (50g) is typically 110 calories

All the calories found were found using the NHS Calorie Counter.

Cut bars into smaller pieces

If you are following an exante very low calorie diet plan, then many people enjoy cutting up their bars into small easy to eat bites. Cutting them into small bites will extend the time it takes to eat them, and so you will feel fuller quicker! Give it a try!

Get a good night’s sleep

Ensuring you are getting enough sleep at night is really important as it will impact your productivity and mood the following the day. Sleep is super important because this is the time our bodies restore and repair. A lack of sleep can really impact your mood and make you feel low. We all know feeling low can often lead to emotionally eating, so ensuring you are getting enough rest every night is very important when it comes to staying motivated on your diet plan!

Drink water and stay hydrated

People can very often mistake thirst for hunger, and so ensure that wherever you choose to work from at home, your own desk, dining room, kitchen table, etc, ensure you always have a bottle of water beside you and ensure you are making an effort to always stay hydrated. If you don't like the taste of water that much, why not try our exante water enhancers?

Deep breathing and meditation 

Throughout your day, try some deep breathing exercises and meditation to realign yourself. Often by working from home, we face many different challenges, for example, maybe a colleague isn’t understanding something you are trying to communicate to them via email? Building up any form of anxiety or stress isn’t good for your mental well-being, and it can often lead to you trying to snack or eat unhealthy food as you are feeling so low or down. Avoiding stress by putting your mental wellbeing first, can also mean you are less likely to binge eat. Even if it just means, every now and then, taking a break for yourself!

Exante meal replacements are not only delicious, but they are really convenient if you want to follow a very low calorie diet plan, especially for those who want to lose weight. Not only are the exante 800 or exante 1200 diet plans really convenient, but you can have the exante products delivered directly to your door which can save you time and hassle too! What are you waiting for?


Aimee Heeran
Writer and expert
View Aimee Heeran's profile
Aimee graduated from the University of Bristol in 2019. It was during her time at University that her love of fitness and nutrition truly began. She’s always loved an active lifestyle from a small child. Aimee frequently enjoys going to the gym, regular hot yoga classes and going for long country walks. She loves trying new activities and in the last 12 months has tried jet skiing, horse riding, and her first 10K race.