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Can Spices Help with Weight Loss?

Can Spices Help with Weight Loss?
Sophie Angell
Writer and expert8 years ago
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Some like it hot, others like the subtle hint of cinnamon...whatever your preference, adding powdered spices offers more flavour to your meals without the added calories.

But, what if spices have the benefit of aiding weight loss too? Research suggests spices such as Turmeric, Ginger and Black Pepper can speed up your metabolism by raising your body temperature, causing you to burn more calories after a meal.

Using Spices for Weight Loss

Exante Spices for Weight Loss

Exante is here to break the boundaries when it comes to healthy food options. 

Whether you’re using Exante shakes for a breakfast on the go, or treating yourself to one of our low-carb, high protein bars before you head to the gym, there are plenty of ways to spice up your meal plans without negotiating the nutritional value!

Spices don’t have to mean calorie packed curries or mouth burning Chilli Con Carne, by adding a touch of spice or seasoning to your Exante Total Solution and Flexi Solution meals, you can upgrade your dish yo something even more flavoursome and delicious, tailored to your own personal taste. If you feel that your meals require something more in terms of flavour to suit your preferences, then be sure to steer clear of the salt and try mixing up these spice ideas instead.

Top 5 Spices to Add to Meals

1 | Turmeric

Used often in India as a healing aid for wounds, many people also believe that the benefits of turmeric also include helping to relieve colds and respiratory issues. With a peppery and earthy flavour, the smell of turmeric is slightly mustard-like, all of which makes it perfect for pairing with your Exante Indian-Style Curry with Rice.

2 | Chilli Powder

Rumoured to boost your metabolism, the chilli pepper can range in heat from mild to super spicy. Ironically, the fiery spice of the chilli is also known to trigger the natural cooling system within your body, which makes it the perfect addition to a summer's day lunch! Why not pop a touch on your Exante Gooey Chocolate Pudding to add an intriguing twist on a classic flavour!

3 | Ginger

Ginger root tea is allowed as part of our plans, but have you considered adding it to your favourite Exante Diet meals? A great addition to either sweet or savoury dishes, you can even add a bit of ginger to your smoothies. Ginger helps to settle your stomach, reduce nausea and fight off discomfort from common issues such as arthritis and joint pains.

4 | Cinnamon

The benefits of Cinnamon in your diet date back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who used these wood-like sticks of spice to relieve indigestion. More recently, Cinnamon has been hailed as a wonder spice for controlling blood glucose levels, helping prevent and ease the burden of Type 2 Diabetes. Adding a sprinkle to your Exante Diet Pancakes, or to the Exante Apple Crumble and Custard Dessert will add another depth of warming flavour to these already delicious diet options.

5 | Oregano

With one teaspoon containing not only the same amount of antioxidants as three cups of spinach(!), oregano also contains a healthy dose of vitamin K. Also rumoured to ward off stomach flu, oregano may help to stop bacteria multiplying and making us poorly. Try stirring a teaspoon of this leafy spice into your favourite Exante Soups to see the health benefits of oregano for yourself!

When it comes to adding spices to your Exante meals and diet soups, the sky is the limit only restrained by your own taste buds. Experiment with our suggested spices for your diet plan and refine the combinations to suit your own personal preference. 

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Sophie Angell
Writer and expert
View Sophie Angell's profile
Lover of running and baking. Not necessarily in that order.